Challenges in the early days
Before Ascora, Richard’s Lock n Safe have printed job cards placed in daily pile and weekly pile. Each job and its variations need to be printed out and filed away with the jobs. This relies heavily on staff members to place the job cards in the right place. Occasionally, jobs cannot be easily updated if the job card is not place in the right place or if it’s misplaced in the van.
After Ascora
Increased efficiency on the job
Richard says since Ascora, our process has become open the tablet, put in the necessary descriptions and pricing and job done!
I save 90 seconds per job and per variation and that has given me 10% more extra time doing productive work, bringing in more revenue, that’s an extra 4 hours a week!
Streamlining Admin
My admin staff were always busy with paperwork 90% of the time before Ascora but since Ascora, she now even has time to serve at the counter and decode keys, which would have needed my time and my technicians’ time otherwise, Richard says.

Safety Forms
According to Richard, “Before Ascora, we needed to print out the JSEA, physically fill it out and we then needed to remember to bring it to the job. Occasionally, if we were on site without the form, we would need to drive back to the shop to get the JSEA prior to starting the job, which caused unnecessary waste of time.
This problem is completely eliminated now as you’ll always have this form in the Ascora app in our phones. The form is completed on the phone and then saved against the job or emailed out to the client if needed.

Another thing I love about Ascora is that when my technicians send out SMS to the customers, the reply goes back to my admin central. Not giving the customers my technicians’ mobile number means they won’t get interrupted while doing the job while my admin is able to action on any urgent items immediately. The $8 fee for unlimited SMS is totally worth it, Richard says.
Invoicing is also a lot quicker now. Changing pricing is exceptionally quick and much easier now saving me another 90 seconds per invoice.
Overall Result
I needed another half a headcount prior to Ascora and having Ascora in place immediately saved me that half a headcount, which translates to approximately $20,000 savings.
My printing cost of $360 every 4 months is now also completely eliminated. Everything is emailed out instantaneously giving much more efficiency to the business.
I’ve seen a 10% increase in my bottom line right away since using Ascora!
Word of Advice
If your staff are stretched to the maximum, invest in implementing Ascora to give more time back to your business. Ascora has definitely given us back more time and increased our profitability.
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