Business Fit with Ascora
"We were sort of struggling. I had pretty much tried every software on the market. They were all on the right track but they were too limiting for us. We’re in the in between stage because we’re carpentry. We’re not a builder yet and we’re not a trade. The added extra complication is that we do commercial jobs – they want split invoices, purchase orders etc. and all the other software didn’t allow for it. I wanted that full package that could do all of it."
Tracking Quotes through the Pipeline
"What really drew me to Ascora when I first started was the Quotes Pipeline. Because that was a major issue for us - because we’re in that in-between stage we can have 20-30 quotes on at time. I was pulling my hair out keeping track of where we are up to. I just made 20 different categories on the pipeline and if I ran into an issue I just created a new pipeline phase for it. That really helped as it just meant I could track everything."
"The only issues we had at the start, you’ve added those elements into it since. We love it."

Minimising Loses in Ordering
Michael says "Since we’ve had Ascora we’ve been able to use the Purchase Order system properly. That was another issue with our purchase orders. We’re not pre-setting anything. The guys know the Job and what they’re going to need. so they just go and buy it. So the Blank Purchase Order system for us was a game changer. I’m got to go here, create a blank purchase order and this gets emailed across with the invoice and then everyone in the office adds the information then. We thought we were tracking really good but we must have been losing thousands. All of a sudden we’re not losing money on our time and materials jobs. We must have been missing so much that wasn’t being caught. We must have been missing at least $10,000 a year would slowly go missing – a little bit per job someone would forget $200 or $300 on a job and it would be invoiced. Now the guys can mark as completed when it’s done. We can see there are four purchase orders with no details so we know we still need invoices to come in and it prompts us before we keep pushing on in the process."

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